angie fights crime's listening history

angie fights crime's avatar
from the album xChange performed by Shaun Conroy
angie fights crime's avatar
from the album xChange original words & music by Shaun Conroy
angie fights crime's avatar
from the album "FULL MINGO" vocals Ash Reynolders mastering Dave Storms Here we go I can't wait for you to show, me the way and I know there are places we will go, someday but i'm feeling inside that there's thing that we hide and…
JS Tolar's avatar
A very rough demo of another song that didn't make the cut. Drums need to be re-recorded and then everything mixed.
Newbold's avatar
Elusive Gene's avatar
The final version, at last!
angie fights crime's avatar
from the album xChange performed by Tess Savigear
angie fights crime's avatar
from the album "FULL MINGO" vocals Ash Reynolds mastering Dave Storms there's a wolf at the door and you try to be very still on the third floor there's a light burning so bright soon you can't feel your feet and the sweat starts…
angie fights crime's avatar
from the album FULL MINGO vocals Ash Reynolds mastering Dave Storms another intentional feeling that's making me so confused it's no like I could have predicted but it's all because of you because of you you touch me and lights start…
Letter Seventeen's avatar
Our cover of the Angie Fights Crime song "Fall Down Trying". Featuring Bob Sorace on guitar and backing vocals and Leslie Sorace on backing vocals. It's all a matter of he said/she said If only he could remember what he said…