Greg Connor's listening history

tilden's avatar
Just finished running sound for the Second Act Players’ production of "Finding Gladys" and enjoyed putting together original music to use for a theme, a soap opera, and scene changes. The song 'Getting To Know You' from the musical "The King And…
Greg Connor's avatar
Here is another song, one of my favorites, from the album I recently released. Listen to the entire album here:
Greg Connor's avatar
Here is another song, one of my favorites, from the album I recently released. Listen to the entire album here:
oldfolks2's avatar
Ok, not the best thing I've done, but it seems that 1/ It has become a chore to even pick up my guitar. 2/ And to go and record. Old age getting to me ?!?!?!
tilden's avatar
Some mellow music to share
Sister Savage's avatar
With the awesome Vivian Circle. RPM 2010.
Sister Savage's avatar
2009, having fun with Johnny Stone's awesome music.
Sister Savage's avatar
With lovely Keith Landry. Unfortunately, the studio I had at the time was on its last legs and the recording is a terrible quality, but I've never been able to get the vocal to sound better. Probably because I'm now over the awful thing* I did…
Sister Savage's avatar
Another one from the archives! Collab with glu from 2009 - I took his original guitar track and added vocals, then he remixed and made about four more versions, but this is my fave.
Gumbo's avatar
RPM track 10 dramatic pause phew!