184 tracks by igor

igor's avatar
Consistency and immediacy, confidence externally and doubt inside, accuracy but unpredictability - what do you prefer in yourself?
igor's avatar
A tiny rays of morning light Appears from nowhere And seems Is forever. / For Marvin, a real cowboy. 11.2017 Bad Münder am Deister
igor's avatar
Each of us, personally or in any of the teams, makes decisions every second, from turning the head to someone, to "be or not to be." Together, these decisions determine the day, year, life, compatibility and contradictions. The attitude of others…
igor's avatar
The inner joy that comes from the fact that Sunday morning comes. Ahead are lights, and new challenges, and happiness of knowing the world. I see the glittering event horizon, I'm on the way to. Für Leon 02.2017 Bad Münder am Deister
igor's avatar
Long-long ago, one blind watchmaker done something what he meant by the clock, and sent it to an unknown customer. Thus we were born and have become messengers of what we do not understand. Messengers to the one we do not know.
igor's avatar
I do not play the violin and other instruments. I don't need it - I build the walls, and I do it better than anyone. I'll build a walls around and don't need to think anymore. I don't see lights, and the colors I don't need. I am now a big…
igor's avatar
February evening, dark outside, and it seems that is a silent snowstorm there writes sad poetry.
igor's avatar
Winter, sparkling snow, cozy café in a nearest village, with ginger cake and tea.
igor's avatar
Not knowing the rules, we can walk on water and fly through the air.
igor's avatar
All the years before / Over the Arran Suite, in six parts. Plot: INTRO Normal endless day on Olympus. Zeus surrounded by other gods engaged in the usual pastime, suddenly finds himself on the fact that he is trying to listen to the…
igor's avatar
All around full of crystal icy droplets hanging on the trees, the sun is shining through the branches and there is no-one around. I'm such a jolly one still believe in love. -- With, and for Bee
igor's avatar
It was cold just for one moment, memories flow imposed on each other as whimsical mosaics that didn't seem his own. Was it the dog called Monty, or ...
igor's avatar
The sun, the wind, joy and [perfect] nonchalance!
igor's avatar
Some tunes require you to be very lonely, or maybe the loneliness itself needs us to play things of this kind? Clean lines and minimalism: are they confront whether to the joy and exuberance of colorful life, or we need them for to see the joy…
igor's avatar
I cross the yellow line With magnolia flowers. One jump, more, I'm there, Nowhere, In. ~ /For Bee, The Storyteller
igor's avatar
Cornwall, a place where I have never been, and probably will never be - what is it? Sun, sea, lapping waves, moonlit path at night? Public, Idly strolling down the wide sidewalk, quietly... Ringing/sparkling kids, playing? Or perhaps this that…
igor's avatar
The roar of the leopard? I haven't heard. In truth, the leopard does not roar, but shhh ... all of a sudden? --- March 29, 2016 Bad Münder am Deister
igor's avatar
--- However... We'll be forever, won't we? -- Yes, we will! We will again greet the dawn, sit on the porch and drink tea and have fun talking about everything and nothing. --- March 29, 2016 Bad Münder am Deister
igor's avatar
They come and covers you with an unearthly light. You blooms. And they leave. They leave to go back.
igor's avatar
...same for orbiting shuttle as in falling elevator; always accelerating towards earth to as if falling!!! Therefore, you fall at the same rate as shuttle, objects float relative to shuttle, can’t tell which way is up. Igor Bad Münder Diaries