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Gary Fox's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Gary Fox


Change of heart2

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One of my latest songs
All instruments and voals by me

Sometimes I wonder : Can we go on like this?
Sometimes I wonder what it is that we miss

I’m getting bored with the way things go
We have to make a change, but how, we just don’t know

Refr: We need a spark
And re-ignite the flame
Going on like this
Would be a crying shame

You and I, we’ve been through a lot
You and I, we gave it all we got

Sometimes I wonder: Is this all there is?
I am just craving for some moments of bliss


Brdg: Change of heart – Nothing feels the same
Change of heart – So who’s to blame
Change of heart – Let’s change the rules of the game

Brdg > end

Gary Fox's avatar
Gary Fox said

I really like the feel of this cut. It's really earthy and spacious at the same time. Cool track!
