84 tracks by Shed Sounds

Shed Sounds's avatar
The first new composition since being back in the UK; heavily chorused Precision fitted with flat wound strings gives it a nice retro feel along with a Roland Jupiter 8 synthesiser plug-in I wanted to add vocals but am suffering with a heavy cold!
Shed Sounds's avatar
So this one is the coda to the 'Waves' project. It started life in the UK in July 2021 and I worked on it during August back in Dubai before completing it back in the UK in September (not a good carbon footprint era!). It's a fitting end to…
Shed Sounds's avatar
I can't believe I 'forgot' a track that I only started working on a month ago! Anyway, here it is; I was in isolation (again) in July 2021 and had just finished a piece of work for a client that included a section on creating 'moments of magic…
Shed Sounds's avatar
The second and final tune conceived, believed and achieved during my UK business visit in July/August 21. Two standouts for me - I'm proud of the bass lines in this (and love how the Jazz bass sounds) - I did a bit of multi tracking on one part…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Two days into a return to the UK to work in July 21 and I tested positive for COVID - happily I was asymptomatic but it meant 11 days in isolation which is where this tune was born. It started (as often my sketches do) with the bass riff that…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Yet another one that was revisited from the 'half-finished ideas' archive! Again, because it was old the original bass guitar audio file sounded very ropey (shame, as it was done on the Stingray and sounded so... Fizzy!) So I re-did the bass…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Yet another from the very creative period in the summer of 2016... I recall I had time on my hands! The original bass track was done on my Fender Jazz 'Geddy Lee' and sounded great. Sadly, several versions of Logic Pro later resulted in the file…
Shed Sounds's avatar
I have lots of quick musical 'sketches' kicking about and this is another that I did nothing with for 5 years...😳 I revisited this one in May 2021 and built on the verse/chorus/middle 8 that was already in place. I had a bass riff in my head…
Shed Sounds's avatar
This was a half-finished project from a few years ago that I revisited in May 2021 in Dubai. I always really liked the different variations and moods in this track and if I had the time I think the recurring ideas could make for a really interesting…
Shed Sounds's avatar
This started life long ago - It's called Summertime Special because it (and more specifically the bass line) sounded like something you'd hear on a dodgy Saturday Night entertainment show in the 80s (hosted by a fantabulous Radio 1 DJ) I got hold…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Another one extracted from the pre-COVID world of joy from circa 2019. I wrote and recorded some this in the UK and added a new bass line and synths in Spring 2021 in Dubai. I'm massively proud of this tune - a straight-ahead rock track with…
Shed Sounds's avatar
This is one of many half-finished ideas from 2016(!) that I exhumed from the hard drive and revisited in 2021. It (as with many of these) needs vocals but.... It was based around an Apple Loop and I developed the bass line from that (played…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Lyrically it's about the time I had a 'proper' job and how (despite the fact that I liked my immediate team and my role) I could not adapt to the nonsense involved in climbing the greasy pole in a corporate world. Initially I wasn't sure about…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Rewind to Summer 2019... I put the bones of this song together in the UK; the lyric reflects the absolute positivity I was feeling at the time (lots of diverse work, travel, great weather, BBQs in the garden) etc. The melody was lifted from…
Shed Sounds's avatar
I appear to have lightened the mood a little with this one... If this song wore a hat it would be tipped at a jaunty angle... This one came together relatively quickly - The chorus was based on two bass riffs I had rattling around my head. I like…
Shed Sounds's avatar
I wanted to go down a different path with this one and try a new vibe altogether; no guitars at all and the bass guitar (my new Fender Mustang) only appears at the end of the song
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