84 tracks by Shed Sounds

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The original title was 'Mediocre Fajita' (long story)... It started out with the initial bass riff but I ran out of creativity and left it. Then over the course of Christmas 2020 I got COVID so most of the time I had neither the willingness or…
Shed Sounds's avatar
What is a rhythm ferret? What does it look like? What does it eat? And more importantly, what would it sound like? Some of the answers are here....
Shed Sounds's avatar
This began (as many do) as a very light hearted, feel-good formulaic verse/chorus sort of thing... I played the first minute or so to my wife and she said it had an almost festive feel to it - all that was missing were sleigh bells... But I didn…
Shed Sounds's avatar
I adopted the 'kitchen sink' philosophy with this one - the 'duelling keyboards' featured are the Yamaha CS-80 and the Mini Moog; I decided to add acoustic and electric guitar chords/picking to add some texture and the basses used are the Rickenfaker…
Shed Sounds's avatar
I began having guitar tuition with the rather amazing Nathan King of Level 42 a few weeks ago and this is really the first song in which guitar is the main focus - It needs vocals but I'll add it to warbling list when I'm back in the UK
Shed Sounds's avatar
So… two of the things I missed from my den in the UK were my basses and my Rode microphone. So, with this one I wanted loads of fretless bass and lead and backing vocals all warbled by yours truly. And I got that… But I got more. Much more. It…
Shed Sounds's avatar
I've disappeared into a total rabbit hole with these 70s/80s synths. This one features the ARP2600 (in several guises), the Jupiter 8, Prophet 5 and the Fairlight (what a machine that was back in the day!) This started in my head as another…
Shed Sounds's avatar
The second one born from my first week of quarantine. I dusted off my 5 string Sandberg bass guitar and wanted to evoke a Motown-ish vibe on this one and really got into the snare and bass guitar following the same rhythm rather than the usual…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Only 1 week ago I was luxuriating at a beautiful hotel in Dubai, floating blissfully in a lagoon pool... Forward wind one week and I'm here in the cold, wet, windy UK having to quarantine... Now, at the aforementioned pool, they played a chill…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Well... this took a left turn at Odd Street. The main melody started off as riff written and played on bass guitar and the early version had guitars, and real drums etc.... Then I got introduced to a suite of 80s synth plugins and it all went…
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This was all written on the bass - I wanted to get an earthy 70s Rickenbacker bass vibe on this so naturally there's liberal splashes of Moog and Hammond Organ to accompany it. It's kind of 'prog-lite' and again needs vocals. It's a working…
Shed Sounds's avatar
This is only the second song I've ever written on the guitar - I'm playing acoustic and rhythm... and you can tell I'm a beginner 😆 Happily the rest of the instrumentation is a little more polished. No sugar coating this... It's a very melancholy…
Shed Sounds's avatar
A bit of a 'kitchen sink' one... It's another one I play beginner's guitar on tentatively (the lead break & rhythm) The are no vocals (I'm amassing a large amount of songs needing vocals!) but it does feature some more epic 80s synths…
Shed Sounds's avatar
I acquired some amazing 80s synth plug-ins for this one - the Prophet 5, ARP2600 and Yamaha DX-7 are all over this track. It started life as a 90 second instrumental for a video I'd produced to promote my business; my wife hated it so I wrote…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Another tune exhumed from the past... 1984 to be precise. A 15 year-old angst-ridden vocalist wrote some words that went something like "Late at night... the shadows... creep across my wall". Happily, the song is musically much stronger than the…