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Over the Edge

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2023 50/90 song idea number 36 becomes finished song number 20 (I think).

This is another in a long line of attempts to make a legitimate 70’s head banger in 3/4 time. It’s a pretty decent shot, I think.

The real interesting thing for me is the guitar I played. The rhythm and lead tracks both used my step son’s guitar. Many years ago he started taking lessons and I bought him a starter package. You know, a very, very inexpensive guitar that comes in a box with a small amplifier and a cable and a strap, all in one nice pretty package. Given that it’s me we’re talking about, I got him a Les Paul. Specifically, an Epiphone Les Paul Special II, which somehow was a Slash model? It has a G&R-ish design on the headstock.

He doesn’t play guitar anymore (he’s a piano and percussion guy) and I stumbled on his guitar when I was helping him move into his own apartment a couple of months ago. I told him I was going to use his guitar on one of my song writing/recording projects. He didn’t say no, so here it is. The strings are probably seven years old and they feel like barbed wire, but I used them. It gives me a touch of the warm and fuzzies. I just wish I had used it on a better song.

What other gear did I use? Rhythm tracks have an Earthquaker Devices The Depths into a Klon KTR into an Analog Man King of Tone into a Fender Deluxe Reverb. Leads used a Real McCoy Customs RMC10 into a Way Huge Swollen Pickle into the KTR into an MXR Carbon Copy Mini into a Fender Bassbreaker 15.

Good things come to those who wait
Move on now or you’ll be late

Verse 1 & 3
Like they say, make your way
anyday, seems okay

Verse 2
Till the end, be my friend
to ascend, recommend

Over the edge (2x)
